Wednesday, July 24, 2013


The cross-tab proxy (a shared worker which transports messages between tabs) has some interesting latency characteristics.

  • Direct request to the cross-tab proxy (httpl://pages.grim): ~2ms
  • Direct request to a local in-page server (httpl://files.grim): ~1ms
  • Direct request to a public server ( ~58-60ms
  • Proxy request through the cross-tab proxy to another page, then making a direct request to a public server ( ~58-61ms
  • Proxy request through the cross-tab proxy to another page, then to a local in-page server (httpl://files.grim): ~100ms-1000ms
Very strange.
  method: 'PROXY',
  url: 'httpl://pages.grim/0',
  headers: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
  body: { method: 'GET', url: '' }}
.then(idleForSomeRandomTime) // possible bug?